Of course, prevention is always better than cure so if you would like a FREE security survey to address any of your current security concerns, please get in touch with our friendly and experienced locksmiths in Milton Keynes who are always happy to help and advise you. You may also wish to read some of our previous blogs to help you assess your home security:
Cylinder Snapping
The benefits of upgrading your front door
Why you should consider installing or upgrading a burglar alarm
If you find yourself the victim of a break-in, the first thing you should do is call the police and be sure not to touch anything. The police will want to check the crime scene for any evidence.
You may have to wait a while for the police to arrive. During this time write down everything that you can remember such as the time you first noticed the break-in or the time you went to bed if the break-in happened during the night. You may not think this is important but it is amazing how many details we can forget during a period of stress.
Take photos of where items have been taken from and how the thieves gained entry to the property. These photos can help you when you later talk to the police and insurance companies.
After talking with the police, you will need to file a police report. You should then contact your insurance company (if you haven’t already done so) who will ask for specific information from the police report.
If you have noticed that keys have been stolen then locks should be replaced. When replacing your locks, you may want to consider patented locks that can’t be copied. Your local MK locksmiths can provide you with more information about these.
Make sure you check to see if any documents have been stolen. Replacing these can often be one of the most frustrating and time consuming aspects of a break-in. If your driving licence has been stolen you should report it and organise a replacement. If your passport has been stolen, you will need to report this immediately also. Any travel passes and/or tickets should be reported stolen to the issuing travel companies.
If you notice that a mobile phone has been stolen, you should report the theft to your network provider who may ask for an IMEI number. If you have a tracking app on any electrical devices, inform the police but don’t follow up any information on your own.
One of the most frustrating and difficult aspects of a burglary can be cancelling and replacing important documents and electronic devices. In Milton Keynes our locksmiths are supplying and installing safes at an increasing rate and we would be delighted to discuss the various options with you.
Burglary can have a huge emotional impact and this should not be underestimated. In the short term, make sure that you get in touch with family and friends so that they can support you. If you have children, you may find that you are supporting them and forget to look after yourself. In the longer term, victim support groups can be a great source of comfort and support.
If you require any more information or advice, please contact our friendly, experienced and professional locksmiths in MK today.